

Alita the Battle Angel

Best of Group IV – Ireland, 2019 // Best Dog in Section Radom III – Dublin, 2019 // The Best Frenchiesƒ of Show – London, 2018 // Cruft’s Qualification 2018 // res. Best of Group CAC // res. Best of Group CABC // Best in Show Couple III, Skopje 2019

Praesent dolor mauris, maximus eu eros in, porta rhoncus sem. Nullam dictum augue eget consequat hendrerit. Integer eget ultrices nisl. Praesent feugiat id neque at dapibus. Vestibulum efficitur sed nulla accumsan interdum. Aenean ut mattis arcu, non gravida diam. Nam rhoncus volutpat sagittis. Integer laoreet, ipsum ut mollis iaculis, dui dui maximus sem, eu consequat augue enim ut quam. Curabitur mattis mauris ac nibh ornare, id ultrices nulla auctor. Phasellus ex neque, porta placerat interdum nec, rutrum eu nulla. Maecenas volutpat maximus erat, et sollicitudin felis vehicula sed.

NameAlita the Battle Angel
Date of Birth13.02.2018
MotherSuzanna, the Crazy Loving Bitch
FatherRah of the Stone Age
Land of OriginBelgium
BreederBFB Kennels
Comment Statusclosed
Ping Statusclosed